Artists, are you interested in seeing your work in our Gallery?
All submissions to be made via mail or email; we do not accept walk-in submissions. Please do not call or email to follow up on your submission. We will contact you.
Please send images of your work. Be sure to include titles, media, dimensions, and retail price. If you submit electronically, submissions should be no more than 2 MB total size.
Include contact information, website address, artist biography, exhibition history (if any), reviews and any other support material you think we should know.
Any materials sent to the gallery will not be returned unless a self addressed, stamped envelope is included with your submission.
In the event that we wish to further consider your work, we will contact you directly. Approximate response time is four weeks.
Accepted work is sold on a 30/70% gallery/artist commission. Wholesale items will be considered in certain cases.
If you are not selected by the gallery, please allow a period of not less than six months to elapse before re-submitting. Please submit recent works only.
Please send submissions via our contact form below or to:
Owl and Rabbit Gallery
c/o Emily Lewis
1139 W Webb Ave
Burlington, NC 27217